Ghost City Press - Special Ultimate: Baby's Story: a Documentary - 2018 Summer Micro-Chap Series
Broken Sleep Books - laughing plastic
Pinwheel - "transfiguration"
Erase the Patriarchy: an Anthology of Erasure Poetry - "Chad Griffin Notices a Trans," "Chad Griffin Formally Apologizes," "Chad Griffin Wants to Be Held Accountable" + process statement
Mass Poetry's Poem of the Moment - "beheading dr. ken"
FLAPPERHOUSE Year Five Anthology
Bible Belt Queers - "Forgiveness"
Crooked Arrow Press - "my top surgery reimagined as the beginning of an episode of a nonspecific medical drama"
Homology Lit. - "christian extremists 'let their baby starve to death'" and "why american policy is leaving millions hungry"
Name and None - "'transgender' could be defined out of existence under trump administration"
What Keeps Us Here: Songs from the Other Side of Trauma - "treating a burn"
Nice Cage - "the star-money," "the three snake-leaves," "diptych in which i can't speak," and "diptych burned into tablets of ice"
Angel City Review - "for the forgiveness of sins"
petrichor - "Annunciation"
SPAM zine - "the mermaid" and "the flood"
Nostrovia! Press - "trash"
Poets Reading the News - "toxic red tide leaves florida beachgoers sick, kills thousands of sea animals"
Poets Reading the News - "how gay conversion therapy came to be, and how it persists today"
Glass: A Journal of Poetry - “the baptismal dream”
The Mantle - "selected edible mushrooms of north carolina"
Indianapolis Review - "portrait of birds in winter"
Francis House - "limited time special offer"
Occulum - “What You Want What Wants You”
FLAPPERHOUSE - “the barbie slasher,” “after my love affair with barbie,” and “the burial of headless ken, et al.”
Daphne Magazine - “for sexy fingers//look no further”
Bad Pony Mag - “the rouge dream”
Pittsburgh Poetry Review - “the puppet show”
Anti-Heroin Chic - “treating a burn” and “consequences”
Yes, Poetry - “hunger”
Calamus Journal - “phantom head syndrome” and “still cool”
BOAAT Journal - “the song of milky cornsilk”
Nat. Brut - “sonnet”
Dream Pop Journal - “reverie”
Split Lip Magazine - “the appointment”
horny poetry review - “At the Kitchen Table With Football”
Pacifica Literary Review - “The Iron Stove,” “the goose girl,” and “Mary’s Child”
Peach Magazine - “This is Fun/This is the Good Life”
The Fem - “eros//thanatos” and “the funeral dream”
Reality Beach - “the headless dream,” “beheading dr. ken,” and “headless ken finds lsd in the dumpster & salvation on the diving board”
Spectator & Spooks - “A Consuming Fire”
Queen Mob’s Teahouse - “The Sunshine State”
decomP magazinE - “the mother”
Five 2 One Magazine’s #thesideshow - “Lithium,” “Here is a bed,” and “Billie Remembers the Night She Killed Her Kids in the Bathtub”
A Box of Stars Beneath the Bed: 2016 National Flash-Fiction Day Anthology - “Hornet’s Nest”
purchase items through Redbubble here!
Pine Hills Review - youth cream, not a pyramid scheme, mustard &/or snakes
Riggwelter - arrangement (cover art)
Vagabond City - art feature + interview
Honey & Lime Lit - triptych and flower coffins
Special Ultimate: Baby's Story: a Documentary - cover art

salvation burnette is originally from North Carolina but currently lives in Boston. They teach in Emerson College's Writing Studies Program and read flash fiction for Split Lip Magazine.