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Ghost City PressSpecial Ultimate: Baby's Story: a Documentary2018 Summer Micro-Chap Series 


Broken Sleep Bookslaughing plastic  





Pinwheel - "transfiguration"


Erase the Patriarchy: an Anthology of Erasure Poetry - "Chad Griffin Notices a Trans," "Chad Griffin Formally Apologizes," "Chad Griffin Wants to Be Held Accountable" + process statement


Mass Poetry's Poem of the Moment - "beheading dr. ken"





FLAPPERHOUSE Year Five Anthology


Bible Belt Queers - "Forgiveness"


Crooked Arrow Press - "my top surgery reimagined as the beginning of an episode of a nonspecific medical drama"


Homology Lit. - "christian extremists 'let their baby starve to death'" and "why american policy is leaving millions hungry"


Name and None - "'transgender' could be defined out of existence under trump administration"





What Keeps Us Here: Songs from the Other Side of Trauma - "treating a burn"


pidgeonholes - "feral peacocks are attacking luxury cars after seeing their own reflections," "teacher says it's against his religion to call trans students by their preferred name and gender," and "has the western world started shunning america?"


Nice Cage - "the star-money," "the three snake-leaves," "diptych in which i can't speak," and "diptych burned into tablets of ice"


Angel City Review - "for the forgiveness of sins"


petrichor - "Annunciation"


SPAM zine - "the mermaid" and "the flood"


Nostrovia! Press - "trash"


Poets Reading the News - "toxic red tide leaves florida beachgoers sick, kills thousands of sea animals"


Poets Reading the News - "how gay conversion therapy came to be, and how it persists today"


Glass: A Journal of Poetry - “the baptismal dream


The Mantle - "selected edible mushrooms of north carolina"

Indianapolis Review - "portrait of birds in winter"


Francis House - "limited time special offer"


Occulum - What You Want What Wants You


FLAPPERHOUSE - the barbie slasher,” “after my love affair with barbie,” and “the burial of headless ken, et al.


Daphne Magazine - for sexy fingers//look no further


Bad Pony Mag - “the rouge dream


Pittsburgh Poetry Review - “the puppet show


Anti-Heroin Chic“treating a burn” and “consequences”


Sixth Finch - “poem for when my father comments on my leg hair or when my mother sends me unsolicited issues of southern lady or when jocelyn at cvs hands me t & needles then calls me ma’am


Yes, Poetry - “hunger


Calamus Journal - “phantom head syndrome” and “still cool





BOAAT Journal - the song of milky cornsilk


Nat. Brut - “sonnet


Dream Pop Journal - “reverie


The Boiler - “View. Magic Mountain, Valencia, California” and “We’re really happy. Our kids are healthy, we eat good food and we have a really nice home.


Split Lip Magazine - “the appointment


horny poetry review - “At the Kitchen Table With Football


Pacifica Literary Review - “The Iron Stove,” “the goose girl,” and “Mary’s Child


Peach Magazine - “This is Fun/This is the Good Life


F.A.L.D.“the holy land experience,” “tribulation,” “free massage—ladies only,” and “someone at the home depot likes u ;)”


The Fem - “eros//thanatos” and “the funeral dream”





Reality Beach - “the headless dream,” “beheading dr. ken,” and “headless ken finds lsd in the dumpster & salvation on the diving board


Spectator & Spooks - “A Consuming Fire


Queen Mob’s Teahouse - “The Sunshine State


decomP magazinE - “the mother


Five 2 One Magazine’s #thesideshow“Lithium,” “Here is a bed,” and “Billie Remembers the Night She Killed Her Kids in the Bathtub”


A Box of Stars Beneath the Bed: 2016 National Flash-Fiction Day Anthology - “Hornet’s Nest”






purchase items through Redbubble here!




Pine Hills Review - youth creamnot a pyramid schememustard &/or snakes



Riggwelter - arrangement (cover art)




Vagabond City - art feature + interview


Honey & Lime Lit - triptych and flower coffins




Special Ultimate: Baby's Story: a Documentary - cover art


salvation burnette is originally from North Carolina but currently lives in Boston. They teach in Emerson College's Writing Studies Program and read flash fiction for Split Lip Magazine.



to purchase laughing plastic ($7) or Special Ultimate: Baby's Story: a Documentary ($5) or both ($10), send your payment through Venmo (@sally-burnette) or PayPal (Donate button below) and your shipping info through the contact form!

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